Telecom Batteries:Cell Towers & Data Centers

StorEn vanadium flow batteries are ideal for both telecom towers and data centers. Telecom tower batteries can be charged from the electrical grid or powered by renewable energy in off-grid locations, while batteries for data centers offer a backup electricity supply for added security. These batteries are essential for data integrity and continuity of communication and transmissions, but up to now, sustainable options have been lacking.
StorEn offers sustainable telecom batteries that are durable, reliable, and cost-effective. They can be used to collect energy from traditional electrical grids or renewable sources; this energy can be either stored until an outage occurs or it can be used to control utility costs by storing energy for use during peak consumption times, when rates are higher.
Lithium batteries have allowed the telecom industry to begin the transition to renewable energy sources, but not without significant limits—they suffer fast decay and lose storage capacity over time. StorEn’s goal is to bring sustainability to the mainstream with vanadium flow batteries that overcome the shortfalls of lithium batteries.
Up until now, vanadium battery technology wasn’t ready for widespread use. Our engineers’ research and innovation has resulted in a vanadium flow battery that is 30 percent smaller than other batteries with similar storage capacities. StorEn technology is designed to easily scale up for widespread distribution.
Our patented Multigrids stack design means unmatched power density with a 50 percent cost reduction in the power side of the battery. StorEn batteries last over 15,000 cycles thanks to their Equilevels and Resafe technologies, and there’s no need for regular service inspections, which means reduced maintenance costs.
StorEn vanadium batteries offer the highest power density available with the smallest footprint and a unique modular architecture, making them well-suited for helping the telecom industry achieve sustainability.
When compared to lithium batteries, using vanadium flow batteries for telecom has a number of key advantages:
Vanadium flow batteries have no degradation of capacity over time; instead, they’re able to discharge fully at 100% throughout the battery’s entire lifespan.
The average vanadium flow battery lasts 25 years or longer.
StorEn batteries are designed to be low maintenance, making them a more cost-effective means of energy storage.
The vanadium electrolyte retains its end-of-life value and can be reused for a sustainable alternative to lithium telecom batteries.
Vanadium flow batteries have a non-flammable, water-based electrolyte that is non-explosive.
StorEn batteries are suitable for use indoors and outdoors, even in fluctuating temperatures.

Frequently Asked Questions about
Vanadium Flow Batteries for Telecommunications
How do vanadium flow batteries differ from lithium-ion batteries in telecom?
Compared to lithium-ion batteries, vanadium flow batteries reduce carbon emissions significantly. They also do not degrade over time discharging at 100% throughout the lifespan. Vanadium flow batteries last more than 15,000 cycles with minimal maintenance.
Are vanadium flow batteries environmentally friendly?
Vanadium flow batteries have a reduced environmental impact compared to lithium-ion batteries. With a lifespan of 25+ years, vanadium flow batteries are nearly 100% recyclable. The vanadium electrolyte can be reused, preventing the need for additional mining. Vanadium flow batteries also do not require the use of heavy metals such as nickel or cobalt.
Why use a vanadium flow battery for a cell tower or data center?
Vanadium flow batteries fill a void in sustainable battery options essential for continuity of communication and transmission, and data integrity preservation. Vanadium flow batteries for cell towers can be powered by both the electrical grid and renewable energy sources. Data centers can be made more secure by using a vanadium flow battery as a backup energy supply.

What are the risks of vanadium flow batteries in cell towers and data centers?
Vanadium flow batteries pose few risks because the electrolytes used are water-based, non-flammable, and non-explosive. They are safe for both indoor and outdoor use, even in areas of fluctuating temperatures.
What maintenance is required for vanadium flow batteries in cell towers?
Due to the patented multi grids stack design, there is no need for regular inspections of vanadium flow batteries, reducing costs by as much as 50%. Although 30% smaller than other batteries with similar storage capacities, vanadium flow batteries do not degrade over time and are designed to scale up for widespread distribution.
How do I learn more about vanadium flow batteries for cell towers?
Contact us today to learn more about StorEN vanadium flow batteries for cell towers and data centers.